Solumiks Vimliv Forte Tablet Pack of 2

Manufacturer: Solumiks Piramal Ltd
₹ 0.00 incl tax
Solumiks Vimliv Forte Tablet contains Tamalaki, Kasni, Rakta Punarnava, Bhrungaraja, Guduchi, Rohitaka, Kalmegh, Daruharidra, Kakamachi, Vidanga, Katuka, Parpata, Haritaki, Bibhitaka, Amalaki, Vasa, Tulsi, Sharapunkha, Yashtimadhu, Chitraka and Kumari as a combination of ingredients.

Key benefits/uses of Solumiks Vimliv Forte Tablet:
- Reduces inflammation in the liver
- Facilitates regeneration of hepatocytes & prevents hepatic degeneration
- Maintains hepatic architecture
- Eliminates hepatotoxins
- Improves hepatic anti-oxidant status
- Stimulates bile flow
- Improves appetite and digestion
- Accelerates Bio Chemical Recovery

Direction for use/Dosage:
Take Solumiks Vimliv Forte Tablet 3-4 times a day or as directed by the physician

- Viral Hepatitis, fatty liver, alcoholic hepatitis, drug induces hepatitis

Storage instructions:
- Store the formulation in cool and dry place

Safety information:
- Read the label carefully before use
- Do not exceed the recommended dose
- Keep out of the reach and sight of children