Lefit 25mg Tablet

Levosulpiride (25mg) Primary uses of : Indigestion
Manufacturer: Tas Med India Pvt Ltd
₹ 59.00 incl tax
Expert advice for Lefit Tablet Do not take this drug if you are allergic to levosulpride. Before taking the drug consult your doctor if you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant or breast feeding. Immediately consult your doctor if you have absence if periods, abnormal milk secretion or changes in sexual desire, fever, muscle stiffness. The drug can make you dizzy. Be careful when driving vehicles or operating machines.
Composition Levosulpiride (25mg)
Potentially Unsafe With Alcohol
Side Effect Common Side Effects of Lefit are Headache, Fatigue, Sleepiness, Increased prolactin level in blood.
How to works How Lefit Tablet works Lefit 25 mg Tablet is a atypical antipsychotic. It works by increasing the release of acetylcholine (a chemical messenger). This increases the movement of stomach and intestines, and prevents reflux (acid going up to the food pipe).