Urtiplex Capsule

Manufacturer: Charak Pharma Pvt Ltd
₹ 140.00 incl tax
Urtiplex capsules contain Manjistha, Haridra, Amalaki, Usheer, Sariva, Daruharidra and Shunthi. Manjistha, Haridra have effective Anti allergic and anti-pruritic properties. Amalaki,Usheer, and Sariva acts as excellent blood-purifying agents while Daruharidra works as an Antimicrobial, antiallergic, anti-pruritic agent.
Shunthi Inhibits growth of histamine producing bacteria keeping you safe. Urtiplex capsules are a natural anti-allergic and anti-itch medication that provides relief and soothes the skin. It helps treat skin rash, hives and control stress associated with skin disorders.
Please consult your personal doctor for a more personalized dosage plan.