Vaio JR Syrup

Manufacturer: Ronyd Healthcare Pvt Ltd
₹ 74.00 incl tax
Vaio Jr Syrup consist of Vitamins, Niacinamide, Zinc, Manganese, Calcium.
Vaio Jr syrup is a multivitamin supplement intended to promote overall health. It supplements the nutritional deficiencies due to poor diet, or increased needs during illness. 
Zinc acts as a synergistic component and contributes towards the overall strengthening of body’s defense mechanisms. 
Vitamin B  acts as energy booster and is necessary for proper function of nervous system, as well as keeping eyes, hair, liver and skin healthy.
Vaio Jr Syrup is recommended to strengthen the immune system, prophylactic therapy for vitamin and mineral deficiencies and promotes well-being in  children.
Dosage Instructions
Do not use tablespoons to measure the dose but use special dose-measuring spoon or medicine cup to take the recommended dose. 
Use under medical supervision