Ofen DX Eye Drop

Ofloxacin (0.3%w/v) + Dexamethasone (0.1%w/v) Primary uses of : Bacterial infections
Manufacturer: Wens Drugs India Pvt Ltd
₹ 25.76 incl tax
Composition Ofloxacin (0.3%w/v) + Dexamethasone (0.1%w/v)
Side Effect Common Side Effects of Ofen DX are Eye irritation, Eye discomfort.
How to works How Ofen DX Eye Drop works Ofen DX Eye Drop is a combination of two medicines: Ofloxacin and Dexamethasone. Ofloxacin is an antibiotic which prevents bacterial cells from dividing and repairing, thereby killing the bacteria. This treats your eye infection. Dexamethasone is a steroid which blocks the production of certain chemical messengers (prostaglandins) that make the eye red, swollen and itchy.