Homoeopathy offers safe medicines for de-addiction
It is specific for tobacco de-addiction helping elimination of associated symptoms such as anxiety, tension, restlessness, frustration, impatience, difficulty in concentration, irritability and depression
It helps in fetid breath, offensive urine and sweat which are normally found in smoking/tobacco use
Useful also in the withdrawal symptoms covering irritability, tension, disturbed sleep or drowsiness, pains (usually sudden, electric-like and erratic in nature), lightning jerks in different parts of the body
Complementary medicines for withdrawal symptoms: Alpha-DP (Digestive problems), Alpha-HA (Headache), Alpha-TS (Anxiety, tension and sleeping disorders), Bacopa monnieri 1x (Difficulty in concentration) and Ginseng 1x (Irritability or depression).
Stimulates immune system and prevents proneness to repeated attacks of illness
Increases resistance against invasion by pathogens
Helps overcome side effects of vaccinations
Regulates vital functions
Acts as a disease preventing, health promoting agent
The combination with established efficacy in treating dry eczema & certain conditions of wet eczema
Covers dry, rough and scaly eruptions with itching, burning and restlessness
Covers oedematous eruptions
Provides deep antipsoric action
Useful in dermatitis which becomes worse on itching or scratching
Also covers metabolic disorders ensuring total resolution
Effectively regulates sleep, by calming the patient
Indicated for sleep disorders and hyperactivity in children
Has mild tranquilizing action and reduces emotional tension
Prevents nervous irritation and gastro-intestinal irritability affecting sleep
Reduces nervousness in teething children with intestinal problems
As adaptogenic for stress related problem
Contains ingredients similar to body's own stress-hormones
Helps body to adapt to stress, fatigue, cold, hunger, etc.
Improves immune function, liver function, stimulates vitality, works as restorative
Used for impotence and premature ejaculation, also improves sperm count
Lowers cholesterol, triglycerides with increase in HDL
Useful in controlling the sugar levels in the body.