For Rheumatic and Sciatic Pains
Exerts an anti-inflammatory action
Supports healing of damaged tissue
Improves joint mobility
A combination recommended worldwide
Restores the blood pressure and boosts the circulatory system
Increases the power of contractions of the heart and regulates the pulse
Indicated for vertigo on rising, with precordial pain, palpitation and dyspnoea
Exerts a beneficial effect on venous stasis and weak and low pulse with cold extremities
Acts as a vaso-motor stimulant and controls low blood pressure
The components of this preparation do not only stimulate the general physical and mental efficiency but also support the regenerative processes during and after diseases of an organ, as well as all stages of exhaustion.
Alfalfa Tonic eliminates symptoms of fatigue and leads to an increase in appetite while stomach complaints are improved simultaneously. A general nervous irritability is soon calmed. With juveniles, a remarkable improvement of anaemia and chlorosis sets in.
Alfalfa tonic essentially supports convalescence after infections or surgical operations and thus shortens the time of recuperation.
Promotes healthy growth, strengthens bones and teeth
Stimulates absorption of Calcium, Iron and Phosphorus Effectively takes care of tardy dentition, promotes bone growth
Regulates metabolism in anaemic children Improves haemoglobin content, arrests wasting and weakness
Also takes care of flatulence, colic pain and diarrhoea in children