Everomus 5mg Tablet

Everolimus (5mg) Primary uses of : Breast cancer, Pancreatic cancer, Lung cancer
Manufacturer: Zydus Cadila
₹ 15,361.00 incl tax
Expert advice for Everomus Tablet Do not start everolimus and consult your doctor if you have liver problems, diabetes, high blood cholesterol, had a recent surgery or have unhealed wound after surgery, have infection, previously had hepatitis, are pregnant or breast-feeding or have intolerance to some sugars. Seek medical advice if you have increased thirst or increased frequency of urination, if you get any infection, suffer from shortness of breath, cough or fever, need to receive any vaccination after taking everolimus. Everolimus may affect male or female fertility; consult your doctor if you are planning to have a child. Do not drive or operate machinery while taking everolimus as it may cause fatigue.
Composition Everolimus (5mg)
Side Effect Common Side Effects of Everomus are Weakness, Sinus inflammation, Infection, Fever, Cough, Fatigue, Stomatitis (Inflammation of the mouth), Otitis media (infection of ear), Diarrhoea, Upper respiratory tract infection.
How to works How Everomus Tablet works Everomus 5 mg Tablet suppresses the activity of body's immune system and prevents rejection of the transplanted organ.