Dosage of A72 Drops
Take 50 drops in half-cup of water, 4 times a day for 4 days. After 4 days, take 30 Drops, 3 times a day.
Mode of Action:
Aconitum Napelles: A state of fear, anxiety, anguish of mind and body in menopausal women.
Amyl Nitrosum: Climacteric headache and flashes of heat with anxiety and palpitations.
Bellis Perennis: Engorgement of breasts and uterus at menopause.
Calcarea Carbonica: Diseases of fat women around climacteric. Pituitary and thyroid dysfunction.
Cimicifuga Racemosa: Rheumatic pains and headache around menopause. Menses when they appear are clotted, painful and profuse.
Ignatia Amara: Hysterical females going through menopause.
Pulsatilla Nigricans: Menses suppressed, appear too late and are scanty.
Sanguinaria Canadensis: Burning sensation as from hot water. Bearing down with leucorrhea smelling like fish or old cheese. Headache during menopause. Hot flashes.
Sulphur: Ebullitions of heat, dislike for water, dry and hard hair and skin, red orifices and sinking feeling in the stomach in women of menopausal age.
Belladonna: Menses increased; bright red, too early and too profuse.
Lycopodium Clavatum: Menses too late; last too long, too profuse. Vagina dry and coition painful in menopausal women.
Terms and Conditions
We have assumed that you have consulted a physician before purchasing this medicine and are not self medicating.