Medisynth Tonsilon Pills

Properties FormTablet Weight44 (gms) Dimensions3.8 (cm) x 3.8 (cm) x 9.4 (cm) About Tonsilon Pills To Treat Enlarged/Septic Tonsils with Painful Swallowing, Cough with Pain in Larynx and Hoarse Voice, Coryza, Sneezing, Hay fever, Loss of Smell, Stringy Discharge from nose Throbbing Headache.
Manufacturer: Medisynth
₹ 90.00 incl tax
₹ 85.00 incl tax

Baryta Carbonica 200

Belladonna 200

Hepar Sulphur 200

Kali Bichromicum 200

Mercurius lodatus Ruber 200

Silicea 200

Adults: 2 Pills upto 3 times a day.

Children: Half the above dose.

No contraindications are known.

Terms and Conditions
We have assumed that you have consulted a physician before purchasing this medicine and are not self medicating.

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