SBL AT Tabs (450g)

Properties Weight527 (gms) Dimensions9.5 (cm) x 9.5 (cm) x 12.5 (cm) About AT Tabs AT-Tabs is a product of SBL's Research and Development and is a combination of well proven drugs of homeopathy therapeutics which treats sprains, fractures and punctured wounds. It prevents shock after all types of trauma and accidents. A useful remedy for lumbago, gout & rheumatic joint pains.
Manufacturer: SBL Pvt Ltd
₹ 750.00 incl tax
₹ 675.00 incl tax

Sprains, muscular pain, joint pain, fractures, backache, shock (after trauma or accident), pre & post surgery.

Action of Composition used:
Arnica Montana - 3x: After traumatic injuries, overuse of any organ, strains. Pain in back and limbs, as if bruised or beaten. Sprained and dislocated feeling. Soreness after overexertion. Everything on which he lies seems too hard. Deathly coldness of forearm.

Hypericum Perforatum - 3x: Lancinating pains in upper and lower limbs. Darting pain in shoulders. Pressure along ulnar side of arm. Cramp in calves. Pain in toes and fingers, especially in tips. Great remedy for injuries to nerves, especially of fingers, toes and nails. Crushed fingers, especially tips.

Ledum Palustre - 3x: For punctured wounds, produced by sharp-pointed instruments or bites particularly if the wounded parts are cold, this is the remedy.

Rhus Toxicodendron - 6: Hot, painful swelling of joints. Tearing down thighs. Loss of power in forearm and fingers; crawling sensation in the tips of fingers. Tingling in feet.

Ruta Graveolens- 3x: All parts of the body are painful, as if bruised. Sprains, lameness after sprains, Spine and limbs feel bruised. Pain in bones of feet and ankles. Great restlessness.

Symphytum Officinale - 2x: Of great use in wounds penetrating to perineum and bones. Pricking pain and soreness of periosteum.

Bellis Perennis - 3x: First remedy in injuries to the deeper tissues, after major surgical work. Results of injuries to nerves with intense soreness and intolerance of cold bathing. Joints sore, muscular soreness. Sprains feels contracted as from elastic band around joint. Sprains with great soreness.

Dosage/Directions for use:
Adults: 4 tablets every four hours or four times a day.

Children: 2 tablets every four hours or four times a day.

Terms and Conditions
We have assumed that you have consulted a physician before purchasing this medicine and are not self medicating.

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